Monday, September 24, 2012

Another "theme-card" collector

Off and on for the past six weeks I've presented blog postings about some theme-based baseball card collections that I once put together.

I've received some recent e-mails from another collector, Leon Uzarowski, who also maintains a number of specialty themed card collections.

It turns out, he's been collecting some of the same themes I did. He also feels "this is an inexpensive was to showcase cards, plus the fun of the hunt is discovering cards that match a theme."

Some of the themes Leon collects are (the dates of my blog posts on some of those same themes follow in parentheses): Anthem, Logos, Backward Hats, Headbands, Dirt Test, Toss, Autographing (Aug. 19), Bubble Gum (Aug. 17), At the Mic, Camera Club (Aug. 25), Busted Bats, Donut, Big Lumber Leaners, Ivy, All in the Family and others. 

Leon's "Have a Drink" themed cards  are
similar to the Gatorade cards I featured
in my post of Aug. 23.

This collection is called "Get a Grip."

Leon's "On Deck" collection includes 
a number of vintage cards.

There's lots of A's pitchers in the
Stars and Stripes theme set.

Leon said he's looking forward to the Oct, 1 release of the 2012 Topps Update set. "Interesting to find out how many of those cards are candidates for theme-based categories," he said.

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